Symbolion and a journey full of stories 

Actually, I didn’t start writing, I started meditating. For me, writing and meditating are inseparable friends, because everything I write about comes from my meditations and dreams. Interestingly, in my meditations I experience stories that come to me as parables, which I then unravel. I see stories that not only give answers to my questions, I also find them so important that I want more people to hear them. As many people as possible. I feel the need to share my stories, to relive them over and over again, and to let others feel what I feel.
Can you choose a book in the library of knowledge, where there is only one book, knowing that it is just right for you? Do you dare to seek the meaning of life in a small boat on a calm sea far away from land, realising that only your thoughts are troubled? Is there a God? If there is one, where to look for him? Is life only a game and what can we gain in it? Is it the ultimate reality? Maybe it’s not so important where we go afterwards, but as what kind of people we go there.

Lucid dreams give my stories wings

Lucid dreams, do you know them? I have dreams like this, and they take me to unknown worlds where things are not what they seem to
be, and you must discover their true meaning. I really enjoy that. I set stories from this strange world into my novel, and that is how Symbolion, a parallel world where the boundaries between reality and dreams have disappeared, was slowly created. How can we tell for sure which world is real? Maybe both, maybe neither.

In the end, you’ll find out that everything is about energy 

Occasionally My partner has OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). During one of our challenging times, when we were running out of energy, I invented a city with people like us, but they had bodies that could be recharged. The characters in my novel have rechargeable bodies too. They can recharge their energy, but they can also lose it and dissolve forever. Sometimes I felt like the characters were living their own lives, maybe even when I was not writing about them, and I just let them exist. They could do anything, except giving up. I made them up, I won’t let them do that. That’s one of the wonderful privileges of creators. 


 Stories in parables are like a stone that hides a golden egg  

I love storytelling. Do you like mystery, science fiction and reading about parallel worlds? My stories are like that. I wrote this book for readers who will not only read it, but who will also learn to read between the lines. Don’t be discouraged. Discovering the essence of reality in stories and parables is a journey full of amazing adventures, and you never know what awaits you at the end. It is as if you were walking through an unknown landscape in a dream. You know you will wake up soon, but you can take with you everything you discover on your journey. As Greta, one of the characters in the novel, says: „It is so simple to reach black and white conclusions. The truth. People brag so much about that. What do you actually know about the truth? When you uncover one part, you start claiming to know everything. But there will be a deeper layer beneath it. And another and another beneath that, until you get to the very essence. And all of these are the truth. Maybe you will never know them all. And me neither.“

Many answers come to people through dreams, and many inventions came to their creators in their dreams too. If you believe that knowledge has no finite nature and cannot be transferred through textbooks, the world is like a workshop, nothing is predetermined, nothing is unchangeable and there is always something to discover, then this book is for you. In this novel, you will know you are in the City because you will never see stars in the sky. Only the parallel reality in Symbolion will allow you to see the starry sky again. This book is dedicated to people who have never stopped looking at the stars.